
Power0_ t1_je4bz2i wrote

It means that the black hole already has that much mass in it. There is no known limit to the mass gain of a black hole. It is unlikely to encounter as much matter to grow say twice again it's size since space is so vast and matter so sparsely distributed over it. But if you introduced the entirety of matter in the universe to a single point and it didn't have velocity away from that point it would all merge under gravity to form the biggest black hole possible. Empty space around it would loose all meaning since there would be nothing in it. Also supermassive black holes host the galaxies around them not the other way around.


Power0_ t1_j90omxb wrote

To do permanent bodily harm to a person trusted to your care is just horrendous. Imagine yourself lying there helpless when the would be taxidermist comes to treat you.

And what is this talk about remembering to wear your boots. Did they neglect the patient to cause the limb to be injured in the first place. Planning to govern the rest put in their care via fear brandishing a severed limb like a trophy of their power over them.

This is all kinds of messed up.