
Poweredkingbear OP t1_ja3hup2 wrote

I feel like it has always been that way. The popularity of Mario lead to the rise of side scroller games. The popularity of Doom lead to the rise of first person games. The popularity of Dota lead to the rise of MOBA games. Same way the populatiy of Dark Souls lead to the rise of Souls likegames. This is just the market forces doing its own thing which is inevitable. Hype do actually die down ,but as long as people keep buying those games then video game companies will continue producing them until it loses it relevancy.


Poweredkingbear OP t1_ja1ydd3 wrote

Same thing with my music industry analogy too. There are so many choices to choose from that specific niche genres or bands only fills the void. I also replay older music and bands too because they never get old. Pop punk music for example didn't died out because they weren't as popular back in the 2000s. I still encounter alot of new and upcoming bands that I found on Youtube and Spotify.

Indie games fills the void that some people are looking for if they feel that AAA isn't providing them enough content.


Poweredkingbear OP t1_ja1wxsk wrote


This is the best way to have nuance conversation surrounding the gaming industry. The focus should be about the quality of games if gamers wants to improve the gaming industry. Focusing too much on which genre is being produced and which genre is better is just vapid because it just goes nowhere. Gamers vote with their money and the market will obviously follow through the most popular product.