
PredictorX1 t1_je5206m wrote

I think it's interesting to see this violate the usual political leanings. Blue California and New York don't fare too well, but neither do deep south Louisiana, Mississippi or Florida. On the other hand leftward leaning Illinois, New Jersey and Massachusetts are middle-of-the-road.


PredictorX1 t1_jac4fmg wrote

I encourage you to continue your own exploration, regardless of what anyone says "what everybody else is doing". The truth is, all of this is applied math, and the computers are merely where we do our work. Personally, I find this field much more interesting at the algorithm level: If you do something genuinely interesting, it is not somehow less valid because of the tools you used.


PredictorX1 t1_j9f8ept wrote

As a start, I suggest learning the following:


- probability (distributions, basic manipulations)

- statistical summaries (univariate and bivariate)

- hypothesis testing / confidence intervals

- linear regression

Linear Algebra:

- basic understanding of arranging data in vectors and matrices

- operators (matrix multiplication, ...)


- limits

- basic differentiation and integration (at least of polynomials)

Information Theory (Discrete):

- entropy, joint entropy, conditional entropy, mutual information


PredictorX1 t1_j9d0lwq wrote

I wonder what effect the grade definition has on this? For instance, a place might have more students having taken a foreign language by the time they graduate from high school, but not before grade 10, diluting that place's average across K - 12. It'd also be interesting to see this qualified some how, like "percent of students passing some standardized test of fluency in any foreign language by graduation".