
Preposterous_Opposum t1_itidysf wrote

I really appreciate the in-depth response! I'll look forward to working through that D.C movement. Jawbox is one that I discovered recently that I've been enjoying immensely.

I'm not super familiar with the second line of bands you've mentioned so I'll give that a go as well.

The mid 90's/early 2000's explosion is what pulled me in . At the drive in, Sparta, and Alexisonfire sparked the curiosity for sure (plus a love of post-punk/new wave from the 80's)

In terms of the more musical/art rock type stuff, Cursive and The Dismemberment Plan have me hooked. They might be indie rock bands, not sure. I'll check those guys out also.

The choatic stuff is actually where I'm more familiar. Ire Works was a fun album. ISIS and The Cult of Luna are my post metal go to's. Idk if you've heard The Drowned God yet but if you like blackened anything you might enjoy them.