
Prestigious_Clue145 t1_j3er10g wrote

We tried, unless you've got a plan to hold oil companies and billionaires accountable then pour trillions into 100% renewable electricity for the entire world the situation is not going to improve any time soon.

All we can do now as individuals is improve our local community as much as possible, help your neighbors, plant yourself a vegetable garden if you have the land, learn to produce your own food.

Being on good terms with your neighbors, having valuable skills and being able to rely on yourself to feed the people you care about is the best thing I can think to do.


Prestigious_Clue145 t1_ixfhfx0 wrote

Do you pay to recycle? Probably not. Do you pay for your trash? Probably yes.

It's more economical for a household to recycle all that can be recycled, as you will produce less trash and spend less money.

Whether or not it actually gets recycled is not really our problem, it's sad if it doesn't, but we should do our part to the best of our ability and communicate to our elected officials that we feel it's important that our plastic is properly recycled and not just turned into trash with extra steps