
PreviousRepeat0 OP t1_j3zvpgk wrote

The seals aren’t an issue in my experience. They like watching and usually will be the first to get out of the way. When pups are concerned it’s a bit different. I think the rules are to stay at least 100 yards from pups…might have been a few nearby when you came upon them? I hope you do get out soon, it’s so rewarding when the good days strike


PreviousRepeat0 OP t1_j3ywaa0 wrote

I like to pick routes from, mainly because I’m on the peninsula myself. If you stay close to shore you can see all kinds of life below (crabs, anemones, fish, occasional octopus) and above (seals, otters). Paddling in the harbor let’s you get under and around the docks which seem to hold some neat critters.