
PrinceBarin t1_j1sadnl wrote

Gouts bad but not comparable. It's a week or two of agony but you'll keep going.

It's basically a build up of acid crystals in your joints mainly toes ankles and fingers that grind and crunch in the joint.

To avoid it less red meat, less sugars less seafood. More water. Try not to be an islander as they have a bit of a disposition to it.


PrinceBarin t1_j1qxngr wrote

Oh my dude I get gout plenty (a lot less now) and am diabetic so I can totally emphasise with you and how much the attacks suuuuck.

I always try to keep a pack of frozen raspberry in the freezer just in case. And being on progout as a preventative measure seems to mostly work.

Try not to sit and stew in your thoughts, by the sounds of it you've done amazingly and I'm super proud of you. Your learning what your limits are and what your body can take.

Maybe have a get together in January or February. It might not be the same but you can still have that Christmas-y moment.