
PrinceDizzy t1_jdrgfwo wrote

Yup with PS5 you will get the convenience and all round less hassle of a console, excellent big budget aaa exclusives, no hackers ruining games, having the option of buying physical games, backwards compatibility with PS4, bigger split screen/local co-op, better portability, exclusivity deals/content and the big developers along with most Japanese games will tend to prioritise PlayStation over PC.

With the current market now is a great time to sell your PC.


PrinceDizzy t1_jddx1jz wrote

I like having the option of buying physical copies and being able to sell and trade games or lend and swap them with friends as I wish and I also enjoy having my own physical games collection and some come with collectors editions, steelbooks, booklets, guides or other goodies like maps etc.

Having the option of buying physical is one of the reasons why I prefer console over PC for gaming.


PrinceDizzy t1_j9y0ifu wrote

Yes get the PS5 for the excellent aaa exclusives, the convenience and all round less hassle of a console, no hackers ruining games, having the option of buying physical, backwards compatibility with PS4, split screen/local co-op, portability, exclusivity deals/content and you will find that the big developers along with most Japanese games will tend to prioritise PlayStation over PC.