
PrincessGwyn t1_jc31mlg wrote

I think if you go in day one, the judge or whoever asks those who feel they are unable to attend to come forward and state why. I had a family member who did this and was excused no questions asked because they stated that they were caring for a dying relative (which was the truth!).

Keep pushing and don’t give in, IMO you should absolutely be excused. What can they expect, that you bring a baby every day?


PrincessGwyn t1_jbt8ewl wrote

I think calling is worse from what I’ve read, just a waste of time.

I emailed the “help” email and they sent me the form within 2 months (yeah I know not great). I forget how long it took to get the money, but there weren’t any issues after I emailed back the form with my request for retroactive pay.

Also bear in mind this was at the height of people being laid off in 2020 during Covid, unemployment services were a mess. So I’d hope they’re faster now.


PrincessGwyn t1_jbrqixx wrote

Once they set you up and approve your application, you have to file weekly….that’s the way it works.

If you missed it, you should message them and ask for a form to file for retroactive pay.