
PristinePine t1_jeers6u wrote

Those struggling (such as myself), should feel solidarity towards the homeless and want better for them because we're all literally 1 or a few paychecks away from becoming them! The problem lies with out of touch upperclass politicians, the ultrawealthy not nearly contributing what they should be, and capitalism with its obsession of more and more and more annual profit to the detriment of the literal planet.

Wanna bitch about those stupid mini recycling bins with detachable lids that did jackshit and were a lame waste, I'LL JOIN YA THERE.

The fact a supposedly civil, ultrawealthy, 'globally leading' nation even has homeless people is a policy choice that seems to serve as a reminder "stay in line and keep working more and more or else this will be you".


PristinePine t1_j14ohzv wrote

I was in the same boat a while back and couldn't find a group to join. So I decided to DM a game myself and put feelers out and immediately had around 10 people interested when I could only host 4 in my space. Sadly work life schedules are always a mixed bag so we only play monthly even though all of us would love to play bi-weekly. I'd say its probably easyish to find players, but an incredible shortage of people willing to be the Dungeon Master. If you find a DM and like em' -- hang on for dear life.

Would be cool if That's Entertainment or maybe some other reddit space had a form to match people willing to dungeon master with people searching for a group. Maybe with a short quiz on game preferences ranking things 1-4 Story, Exploration, Combat, homebrew friendly, etc.