
Professional_Lime936 t1_jegja56 wrote

Your anger is misdirected. Please, please, don't out the guy. The repercussions sound awful and I know you are hurting but this is not the way.

Your BF is a cheater. He's for the bin.

Just a point on this part...

'He also told my boyfriend he cross dressed with girl’s lingerie and even wore his brothers girlfriends clothes before. He’s so messed up.'

I don't know if I have read this wrong but it sounds trans-phobic.


Professional_Lime936 t1_jeanl8w wrote

Please please leave this man. Its horrendously abusive. The ONLY reason a 37 year old would want to be in a relationship with an 18 year old is control.

I'm 37f and I went to a bar a couple of weeks ago, I looked around and thought 'my goodness, this place is full of kids'. Adults do not generally want to hang out with teenagers, especially ones young enough to be their kid.