
Prohamen t1_j2dng7h wrote

tbh i moved here about a year ago and it sucks

cost of living is high, road are pretty bad in some areas (no fault to state gov, there is just a lot of roads to be fixed on their budget), housing is expensive

thinking about moving away to somewhere cheaper


Prohamen t1_j213afm wrote

it only turns into "ghettos" cause they end up under or defunded, leading to disrepair and poor quality housing. so the only people that end up living there are the ones despirate enough to live in poor conditions.

keep the funding up and more diverse people will live there

also "mixed income" is a misnomer cause you are only gonna get a mix of the economic bottom half or so. You won't get anyone rich living public housing and we should stop pretending like that will happen. The rich always find a way to segregate themselves away from poorer people.


Prohamen t1_j20xvro wrote

i mean that is the catch 22 isn't it. No one wants to build anything besides luxary homes because building anything else is either too difficult due to zoning or doesn't yeild enough profit. That leads to too few workers, so you can't really build too many large scale industries, which means there isn't much attraction to the state.

My solution is the same as always, build massive amounts of public housing.