
ProlapsedMasshole t1_j7lr28q wrote

As someone who now owns a home in Dover and is able to start a family specifically because I was able to rent a home very similar to this (~500 sqft) while in a transitional period in my life I just want to say that while these are not the perfect solution for every housing situation, there are absolutely people who this sort of arrangement is perfect for.

The people in the thread hating on this because it's not apartment buildings or they aren't for sale are entirely missing the purpose of these builds.

Kudos to the Randolphs for fulfilling an underserved niche.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_j7gaiqf wrote

It's designed to do that below operating temps. Bottom of page 10 in your manual.

This was the first time I've hit the limits on mine, but still see them as the best investment I've made in our house by a lot and really don't regret going hyper heat at all.

Our house still has legacy heating, so we were fine this weekend, but anyone concerned with this kind of setup exclusively could cover these edge cases with a space heater or two as a temp setup.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_j7e1430 wrote

Look at the Comparable homes listed. It's an order of magnitude nicer than any of them. I don't know Walpole, but based on location and comparable sales it seems like the nicest house in a not so nice area, or at least for recent sales.

I'd buy that at 480k tomorrow if it wasn't in Walpole, so I guess that's your answer.

If your realtor is saying prices won't drop though, they're:

A) unethical

B) wrong

That said, they've no obligation to you after the deal is done, just like you're under no obligation to buy based on their advice.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_j1zfdfj wrote

While I'd love the solutions you actually asked about, the budget and/or time hasn't been there yet (there are lots of good videos on DIY Powerwalls), but I was pretty proud of my plucky New Englander lower budget solution.

Normally I just ride out any outages, but we had a newborn for this one so that wasn't going to fly, especially if the hype was to be believed. I already had a handful of batteries from the Ego Power tools (could not more strongly recommend), so I ran out and grabbed what was apparently the last Ego Power Station on the Seacoast.

This would have been enough for a radiant space heater or running the toaster oven or even the tankless for some showers. I also justified it with the thought of future camping trips or remotely running my few remaining corded tools.

While there I also picked up a couple of DC>AC inverters so if the existing stored energy did not suffice I could use the rolling generators sitting in the driveway to convert the gas in the tanks.

Failing any of that there is always the wood stove, but I would have had to have moved the Christmas tree and no one wanted that to happen. I also grew up using exclusively wood heat and vowed to not be hauling wood when I was an adult, so avoid it at all costs.

Ultimately we were only without power for a few hours, so didn't really get to exercise the plan, but at least we'll be more prepared for the next time.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_j1hotvy wrote

I used to be very "meh" on Stoneface.

I'm about 5 minutes down the road, so get beers there all the time out of convenience, even though I'd preferred Deciduous.

Not sure if there were new hires or what, but I've found over the past year or so the quality and variety has become phenomenal.

My only issue is the frequency of rotation because it's now easy to find a beer that's great only for it to then be gone. I've got a single can left of "Danger Juice" I'm already mourning.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_izx55yr wrote

I had a similar incident. I sent the dashcam footage to my insurance company and everything got covered without issue or effort.

Why would anyone drive in 2022 without a dashcam? They are far cheaper than pretty much any damage that can happen to your car.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_iya0h2u wrote

That's not why. It's because you can can go to your Town/City clerk's office to get them.

Absolutely massive difference between dropping by the office in Rye and having a nice catch up with Donna while submitting your request as opposed to sitting in the Lowell DMV for several hours for the same thing. I've done both, it's 100% this.

Edit: I don't recall the exact differences, but MA also has more restrictions on what you can choose (repetitive numbers, no initial numbers, etc) as well as 6 characters vs 7.