
Prometheus720 t1_jee9x53 wrote

They did.

That doesn't mean they protected you.

Imagine you were the first country to invent a handgun. You also have the idea of making body armor, but you haven't yet because there are no handguns shooting at you.

Then someone steals your handgun. You quickly make body armor. It isn't perfect but it works really well.

Then someone 3 streets over gets shot. Because they weren't aiming at you. You have handguns. And body armor.

They'd rather go after someone exploitable.


Prometheus720 t1_iu6var7 wrote

Real fast:

If you are unwilling to call something "genocide" unless it was as bad as the literal most egregious example in history, you are bad at the fundamental life skills of defining things and using categories.

The Holocaust is not the criteria set for a genocide. It is not the mark something must pass to qualify as a genocide. It is literally the most brutal example in history.

This is like not calling something black unless it is darker than Vantablack.


Prometheus720 t1_iu6bkio wrote

You're being a jerk.

This is like someone telling an assault victim, "Well I'm sorry that happened to you, but its not like he put his dick in you. Like you couldn't even get pregnant or anything. He just touched you. I don't even know why we call it sexual assault."

  1. Canada has never had the population density of Europe. You'd need to correct for population density to do apples to apples.

  2. The schools were one part of a genocidal system which had other parts.

  3. The purpose of the schools was to eradicate a culture. Due to many actions (and also some accidents), the native population was already depressed. This wasn't "genocide from scratch." It was finishing the job.

Though many deaths were due to disease which nobody (at first) intentionally spread, make no mistake that there was a genocide across the entire Americas. People came to the Americas and killed, directly or indirectly, millions of its inhabitants. That's genocide.