
Protean_Protein t1_j69t7if wrote

One exception might be those that are used on some fresh fruits and vegetables. Like, thin-film sealed plastic can make a cucumber last far longer than without it. But obviously we should also be trying to figure out how to deal with that kind of plastic waste in better ways too.


Protean_Protein t1_j37ucyq wrote

The same way they’ve figured out how to measure all kinds of other things in medicine—from what happens when things go wrong, or from correlates. E.g., Ramachandran’s work on sensory illusions, or Sacks’ work, or, like, anesthesiology. It’s not simple or easy. It’s extremely difficult and confusing and basically a giant mess. But that doesn’t mean it’s mysterious.


Protean_Protein t1_iz0of1u wrote

It’s an old discussion—goes back to antiquity (e.g., Seneca), and Bacon, and many others. There is a fairly common view that death itself can’t be bad, but dying is often quite bad. The ethical upshot of that is pretty obvious: making dying less bad is good. There are other arguments for the badness of death, in e.g., Parfit’s Reasons and Persons.

Here’s an article that denies that we can measure the badness of death for the person who dies: