
Psychogistt t1_jdr06fj wrote

Is Marco Rubio generally a truthful person? Can you provide just one tiny bit of evidence that Kilimnik is a Russian spy?

Do you believe everything the US government says? Do you still think there’s WMDs in Iraq?

You don’t think accused people should be able to defend themselves?

This thread is proof that liberals also believe hoaxes and conspiracy theories. Despite no evidence whatsoever, this user continues to stick to their beliefs.


Psychogistt t1_jdqmah9 wrote

I’m not aware of what the Russian government has said about this.

My position is to follow the evidence.

US intelligence has a long history of lying to the American people. Do you usually believe people who lie and don’t provide evidence?

It’s just a conspiracy theory at this point.


Psychogistt t1_j871i0z wrote

Well that sounds like a bar. So you’re looking for a place with some hubbub, but not too crowded and noisy, and you’d also like to have some conversations with strangers.

The Druid is a well known Irish bar in Inman Square. You might find that enjoyable. And the Irish are known to be quite the conversationalists.


Psychogistt t1_j66lpga wrote

Reply to comment by manickittens in Chance of riots tonight? by [deleted]

I think it’s pretty racist to compare black police officers to black slave drivers.

I do think there is systemic racism in law enforcement, but that’s not the primary driver here. The power they are primarily consolidating and protecting is class power. Police brutality happens regularly to working class white Americans as well.