
PubeSmoker69 t1_j2nlsdv wrote

Soundtracks like star wars, LOTR, harry potter (which are the only ones i’ve seen being played around my area) are very much like classical composed pieces of music. There is absolutely rests built into those soundtracks. Not every single instrument is playing 100% of the time.

I kinda see what your point is, but I dont feel like it’s somehow impossible or ruthless for professional musicians to pull something like that off. Sure, it’s challenging, but so are many other professions.


PubeSmoker69 t1_j2nivr7 wrote

This comment makes no sense. Professional musicians do long and complicated concerts all the time. Operas for example. Idk what your point even is.

They also take breaks for these orchestra screenings if the films are long. I went to a LOTR one and there were two breaks.
