
Purphect t1_j2ureh3 wrote

There are probably thousands of cultures across the land sharing a vast majority of their ethics. I guarantee the vast majority of culture includes many altruistic ideas of coming together.

When two cultures with opposing ideas come together or collide, the victor’s culture often takes over. Sometimes integrating aspects of both.

Christianity is a great example of a religion that contains pieces of other religions before they splintered over time. Many religions share aspects because they’ve evolved with different groups into completely different systems of beliefs.


Purphect t1_j2smqom wrote

Unfortunately my father in law reads it every year from cover to cover. He’s accomplished it 4 times so far. Not sure how long he’s done it/attempted to do it.

That’s why he explicitly told me the Bible does not support or accept being gay. A church that marries them or accepts them isn’t a real church. I have two gay cousins so I strongly disagree haha. I’m not religious either so I just nodded.

Can’t believe people take the opinions of man from 2,000-3,000 years ago as fact over the scientific research of today.


Purphect t1_j2slzzt wrote

Right and wrong/good and evil are instinctual moral compasses influenced by culture. You do not need religion to know how to act. That’s part of learning and developing as a human in a society.

I can understand you having that feeling or view due to how much information is accessible to us these days.

I only mention this because I don’t want you to have the false premise that morality and good is solely derived from a religion. I’m not religious at all and the most important thing to me is being a good guy and generally being an altruistic member of society. The human race can continue to make some really cool discoveries if we work together. I know religion tells us we have the answers to the world, but I don’t agree and am jealous of the future generations that hopefully get to know more about the universe than we do now.

Edit: spelling