
PurplePigeon96 t1_je9f82b wrote

It broke me yesterday. Because the initial report said there were dead kids and very specific. It was multiple schools near Pittsburgh. When I read the news before we know it is a hoax I completely lost it at work. I cried hysterically and couldn't stop. I never cry in public. But I was terrified. My son was texting me that he was ok and then I found out it was a hoax but my nerves were done. I was still trying to calm down. Before anyone makes fun of me....I am on tons of meds, I go to therapy but this shit is breaking families. It is causing trauma for our kids collectively. I read about little kids being so scared they didn't sleep last night. There's going to be a whole generation fucked up from this shit.


PurplePigeon96 t1_iycowf0 wrote

Next week maybe one of them will come back to my neighborhood to shoot up a funeral like last time nothing was done about a criminal firing an illegal gun. That was in my area, terrified my poor mother who lives very close to where the funeral was, terrified me and my family. Hopefully they stop letting people go. Yet on one of these other posts about the jail, people mentioned going to jail over the stupidest stuff like a few parking tickets. But shoot with a not legally owned firearm? Sure! Be free! WTF is going on in the world.


PurplePigeon96 t1_ite0wla wrote

I would compare Gimbel's to modern day Kohl's honestly. They had lots of bargain deal racks and maybe a bargain section. Growing up in the 80's we shopped at the North Hills one a lot but we didn't have a ton of money.