
Quantum_Kitties t1_izng2ht wrote

Thank you so much for explaining that! I really appreciate it ♥️

Also my apologies for using the word “native”, I’m not Australian (I’m European) and English isn’t my first language, I know of the term “(non) native speaker” so I thought I could also use that word to describe myself. But I will just say “I’m not Australian” next time :)


Quantum_Kitties t1_iznchj2 wrote

I wonder if there is a “cut-off”, for example some people can’t make a land claim because their ancestry is not old enough or they conquered it from someone else so they don’t have the right to it… Though I guess the latter means almost the entire world doesn’t have rightful claim to “their” land lol.


Quantum_Kitties t1_izncb6f wrote

Does this mean that they can decide what happens with and on the land, for example could they build on it (or let others build on it) or can they give it away (to family) or sell it if they are so inclined? Could they ask the people who live on that land to leave? Or is the land ownership only in title?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m not a native Australian but would really love to know more about these things.


Quantum_Kitties t1_ix3spy7 wrote

They already use non-human relationships in PTSD treatment, think animal assisted therapy! Using animals has proven to be incredibly effective in improving PTSD symptoms.

There’s even a robot that provides emotional support for people with dementia and alzheimers (though there are ethical concerns about that, saying a robot “only provides the illusion of a relationship”).