
QuietGanache t1_jeefuap wrote

Unlike adults, adolescents have a decent chance of remission for T2DM:


That's not to say strategies like weight loss in affected adults shouldn't be considered too but, as far as I've read, that's more of a management strategy for the broad adult population.


QuietGanache t1_jec08li wrote

As part of my job, I do risk analysis and mitigation. I agree that it's not terribly useful to stack up the potential harms, hand wave and say that the advice to wear masks was wrong at the time (indeed, the paper reiterates this multiple times). However, going forwards, it's useful to have data that explores exactly what is being impacted and, where possible, to quantify the extent to which it's being impacted.

As they state in the discussion, this doesn't just have to be making a decision between masks and no masks; strategies could be adopted (particularly when caring for the mentally vulnerable) to reduce the impact. Not that I'm attributing this to you but it's disappointing generally when people skim a headline and laugh at the temerity of a researcher to explore something that, on the surface, is common sense.


QuietGanache t1_jeal4zo wrote

If the hazmat suit isn't appropriate PPE, that's part of several good reasons to dispense with it. That's why the IAEA PRTM-5 makes specific recommendations for considering both the use and non-use of PPE in a way that considers both the capabilities of specific PPE and their relation to the specific hazard.

For example, an individual who had to work quickly in an environment with pure neutron radiation would not wear a leaded apron. I'm happy to go into more detail if the topic interests you.


QuietGanache t1_jdf3f1y wrote

Thunderbolt tops out at 40Gb/s, PCIe gen 4 x16 tops out at 32GB/s. This means that things like textures and new geometries will load much more slowly so while it might be fine for CAD, you'll encounter issues with gaming, especially with modern engines that use much more refined levels of detail.


QuietGanache t1_jd8opve wrote

It strikes me as a solution in need of a problem. The cost to orbit is almost 30x per kg of that offered by Spacex. The supposed selling point is that the relatively small throw weight offers mid-size customers the orbital parameters of their choosing (taxi vs bus) but it's hard to imagine who would find that worth the added cost.


QuietGanache t1_jc9jlos wrote

The decay process leads the daughter isotope to be charged. This causes it to become affixed to dust in the air. This is also where the real hazard from radon comes from: the decay products becoming trapped in your lungs and irradiating them through several decay cycles.


QuietGanache t1_jc2h9y9 wrote

I'm sorry but to compare the modern methods used to slaughter animals to the raw barbarism of the Holocaust betrays a grotesque ignorance. There are centres for Holocaust education around the globe with plenty of free resources, I highly recommend that you educate yourself so that you can effectively contribute to ensuring such an outrage against humanity never happens again (you don't even have to be active but you can still help by not making such diminishing comparisons).


QuietGanache t1_jc2duto wrote

>Humans will look back on animal agriculture with the same disgust that we look back on the slave trade.


I hope not, because I believe it will represent a loss of understanding of the horrors of slavery. I'm reminded of the ADL reaction to PETA trying to compare the consumption of meat to the Holocaust:

>Rather than deepen our revulsion against what the Nazis did to the Jews, the project will undermine the struggle to understand the Holocaust and to find ways to make sure such catastrophes never happen again.
>Abusive treatment of animals should be opposed, but cannot and must not be compared to the Holocaust. The uniqueness of human life is the moral underpinning for those who resisted the hatred of Nazis and others ready to commit genocide even today.


QuietGanache t1_j93t09q wrote

In addition to the answers regarding pathogenic loading, the circadian rhythm of the body plays a role in both temperature regulation and, it's suspected, may interact with the pathogen: https://doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2019.00425

I'd also add that, for the malarias, they tend to fall into cycles of synchronisation in their reproduction with points where they're more exposed to the immune system (free in the blood) coinciding with the most severe portion of the fever (made worse by the preceding hemolysis).


QuietGanache t1_j6defb3 wrote

I'd add that there's also limitations placed on absolute efficiency caused by other emissions restrictions; doi: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2405918

A long time ago, this is what ultimately killed gas turbine cars. They were pretty damn efficient for the time but the high combustion temperatures led to greater NOx emissions. The same issue is holding up the development of more efficient high compression ratio piston ICEs.