
Quiet_Satisfaction64 t1_iwx1clb wrote

I guess that depends on what you’ve experienced right? Yes, it can be safe in VT but that doesnt mean this stuff hasn’t been happening since, well, ever. 15 years ago, living in a decently populated, “safe” area and we had a string of car “break-ins” (only unlocked cars had stuff stolen) and someone was shooting our pet cats. Bad shit happens every where. Its everyones responsibility to take steps to prevent it if possible.

Yes, we are all aware that our country is suffering, that is part of the rise in crime. We are seeing gentrification happen right in front of our eyes with this surge of new people after covid hit. Then you add on our country’s consistent back pedaling on proactive/beneficial legislation.

I think you’re being down voted because youre being offended by people asking questions about the situation. Get off your moral high horse.

Edit: Spelling correction


Quiet_Satisfaction64 t1_iww2asx wrote

The world does not conform to your opinion on how things should be. I’ve lived in VT my whole life, I’m still baffled people leave their cars and doors to their house unlocked. Even on 12 acres of private land I always locked up my stuff. Privacy for you is privacy for thieves as well when you’re not around.


Quiet_Satisfaction64 t1_iudcuk8 wrote

I mean, if I have to explain it then I feel like my point is made, but I’ll spell it out. Look how many comments your replying to, look at your need to rationalize why you shouldn’t hate the Republican party. Every comment of yours I read on this post provides a mental image of you deep throating Republican boots while you try to use basic arguments to rationalize your position.

Edit: Like seriously. Trying to compare political belief to race or religion. Religion being the more accurate with your argument but still pretty dumb.


Quiet_Satisfaction64 t1_isxeen0 wrote

Recently went to a graduation at UVM. They put us in the gym with no air conditioning for 2 hours. My brother is over $100K in debt for his education by himself. Where does all their money go??

Edit: just to clarify how bad it was. Imagine every person literally soaked in their own sweat. It was like entry a high school boys locker room except it had hundreds of people in it, side by side. We left once my brothers name was called.


Quiet_Satisfaction64 t1_irmpd2e wrote

People can’t choose their race, culture, or sexual orientation, so we have no judgment there.

But they do choose to come here and be obnoxious. Ill hate them for that.

Edit: Spelling