
QuirkyWizard OP t1_j6lv52m wrote

Thank you for reading and your kind words. No she is a different woman from my post history that one is long gone thankfully ๐Ÿ˜….

You're correct a true platonic friend wouldn't consider her a potential partner that is something I am trying to work on because it is nice having a friend of the opposite sex to just hangout with, but admittedly it's difficult to not see her qualities and values in such a light because we've both admitted that our qualities and values is what we're both looking for in a partner. She just wants someone to stick around for more than just her body friendship wise if that makes sense.

As for trying to keep boundaries with splitting bills or paying for things she offers every single time without fail to either split or pay and every single time without fail I say "no I got the bill" part of it I think is me being stubborn another part is my upbringing, my parents are really conservative "the man gets the check, opens the door, does all the driving" that sort of thing. I've been brought up being told "the man works a 16 hour shift, but his wife even if she's been home all day watching TV gets a foot rub at the end of the day"

As for why I invested so much in her, tbh she's one of the best people I've ever met. True we met through my ex wife but they are polar opposites, and when things ended with my ex and she found out what my ex did she was the one of the first to say "wow that's fucked up, I'm happy you got out of that relationship" and proceeded to never speak to her again. She's been a great emotional support on challenging days and in a way I think I'm just trying to repay that as best I can.

I will definitely be taking a step back and reflecting on your words and having a conversation with her. I think from now on to preserve the friendship, I think we have to take a step back from supporting each other as much as we do emotionally. And I will do my best to not pay for everything ๐Ÿ˜…


QuirkyWizard OP t1_j6klr37 wrote

Thank you for reading and your input! It is quite possible I'm wasting my time pursuing a friendship with her. I'm really hoping it's not a waste of time and that it can be a lifetime friendship. I have a lot of guy friends I would definitely describe as attractive, but you're right I would never consider anything beyond friendship with them. Thanks again for your input I'll keep your advice in mind!!


QuirkyWizard OP t1_j6jkl3t wrote

Hi thank you for reading and your input!! I don't think she was mad more so caught off guard, I wasn't asking her out or anything because I know she wants things to stay platonic but that was basically my point and what I told her. Her wanting to keep things platonic and that I valued our friendship is the reason I don't ask her out. She still talks to me and we've since seen each other briefly. And I have apologized profusely and she said shes ok with it as long as I don't have ulterior motives.


QuirkyWizard OP t1_j6ikq7o wrote

Hi thank you for reading and your input!! True it is a bit unusual, when we first started hanging out we were both fresh out of shitty relationships so I think paying for things was my way of still feeling valuable to someone, it's just something that never phased out I guess, but it's mostly small things like coffee/breakfast/lunch things under 40$ but lately it's been rather expensive in an effort to cheer her up ๐Ÿ˜…. It is possible I may have feelings on a small scale I do love her as a friend no question, we do rely on each other for emotional support quite often when I have guy/girl troubles and she's having guy troubles, even non relationship troubles. So I think there's a part of my brain/heart that recognizes that she would be a good partner. Maybe I should take a step back for a while, figure things out on my own


QuirkyWizard OP t1_j6i8f37 wrote

Hi thank you for reading!!

>Tell her you think sheโ€™s legit and you want the best for her, and that the way you said it wasnโ€™t intended to be an actual move, just that a dude would be lucky to have her.

This is exactly what I was trying to say!! I know it's so cliche to say "anyone would be lucky to have you" but in her case it's the truth. Thank you for your input. I greatly appreciate it