
R15K t1_je0psaf wrote

They do, which includes both recovery and disposal so it’s usually pretty massive. But the problem is that generally these boats are abandoned because the owner is no longer around to care for them (jail, death, moved back to a foreign country, etc.) so the majority of these end up getting paid for by our tax dollars. These boats are worth a ton of money so they usually don’t end up in such a sunken state unless the owner suddenly exists the picture.


R15K t1_jd1cgre wrote

My daughter is 23 and graduated college last year so perhaps I feel closer to it than I should but I just can’t imagine trying to ruin this kid’s life like half of reddit is trying to do right now. There’s people in the thread on /r/news calling for felony charges, making death threats, trying to get his father fired, organizing campaigns to try to get him suspended and other ridiculous shit.

It’s kinda scary quite honestly.


R15K t1_iu9dova wrote

I too am disgusted by poor people and their lack of manners. That’s why I have Wadsworth draw the curtains only on the East side of the chateau so my gaze doesn’t dally upon them.

We here is Shadyside deserve to live our lives unencumbered by such filth. I do my part by calling the police every time I see a black man in the neighborhood but with these democrats and their gay agenda I guess this is simply the world we live in now.