TIL A 2004 British reality show selected nine contestants for their suggestibility, tricked them into thinking they were flown to Russia, then had them compete to become space tourists. The "winners" were placed on a simulator and tricked into thinking they were in space for five days.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by R4G t3_102nzzg in todayilearned
TIL in 1987, Arizona governor Evan Mecham revoked the executive order recognizing MLK Day in the state. He told black organizers "You folks don't need another holiday. What you folks need are jobs." Then an awkwardly-worded ballot to recognize the holiday failed, so the NFL moved SB 27 out of Tempe.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by R4G t3_yn1ymv in todayilearned
R4G t1_j9zr7vh wrote
Reply to TIL scientists believe people started wearing clothes between 83k and 170k years ago because that's when clothing lice diverged from head lice. by cwood1973
Do you happen to be reading The Social Leap by Bill von Hippel?