
RCArtworks t1_iuaebjl wrote

They commented their own Facebook video of them giving $1000 to a homeless man. They said - “We choose to share some of the acts of kindness that we do not to be “showy” or to even get a “like”. We share this side because we hope that it inspires you to show more love, empathy, and kindness towards the world. It brings us joy that we can use our platform to spread love. The world needs more of it, and we hope that by you taking the time to watch this, you go out and shine your light on the world. ❤️”

It’s nice to show their positive deeds, but I agree that it seems exploitative. For the homeless man, he might now become a target for aggression or theft now that he has $1000. Do these people consent to being shown as vulnerable in the videos?

I’m 100% for giving help to those in need and donating to charitable organizations….but I don’t know enough about them to say if their “positivity influencing” and “charity merchandising” is ethically right?


RCArtworks t1_it6vkn3 wrote

Reply to comment by TiredCr0codile in ENOUGH!!!!! by lizzybnh

I live in an apartment building and every day my mail box is crammed with political flyers. It’s insane! I forgot to check the mail one day and after 2 days of mail the crap just burst out when I opened it. I feel bad for USPS. That’s like 3x the extra mail and so much wasted paper.