RDCAIA t1_ja46oy9 wrote

How long do you marinate the peppers in the honey. Or do you leave in there until you use up all the honey? If the latter, does the honey keep getting exponentially hotter over time?


RDCAIA t1_j5rgw72 wrote

To me, it reminds me of the area around the Lincoln Memorial. I feel like it could be they are on the circle going around the Lincoln Memorial (to left of or behind the camera) and camera is looking North/Northeast. The building with the green copper roof in the distance looks like it could possibly be the National Academy of Science, and then maybe Henry Bacon Drive is in the photo heading off to the right, with the building on the far right being the Munitions Building on Constitution...one of the old War Department Buildings that were on the Mall where the Vietnam Memorial is now. Also, then, the entire circle was open to regular traffic.

Anyway, maybe check that out as a pedestrian to see if it generally matches. 🤷‍♀️ It's hard to say using Google Streetview and the only pictures of the Munitions and Navy Buildings I can find are black and white.
