
RG7748 t1_j3xfmyi wrote

Start small, don’t try to change everything at once. If ur lazy start by setting an alarm to get up at the same time every morning, don’t snooze it and don’t think just cuz u have nothing to do, u stay in bed. Make the bed, don’t leave it in a state and cook a breakfast.

Once that becomes a habit, fill ur time. start by spending 30 min of everyday on something to improve urself. If you think you don’t have 30 min, then ur just gonna have to get up 30 min earlier everyday. Improving urself could be something physical or mental.

Physically, yoga or gym will probably get the results u want depending on whether u want to look good or feel good.

Mentally, Being comfortably with urself is more important than trying to be someone else. Self help books are gimmicky but work for some and you should try it out before dismissing it. Mindfulness or inspirational podcast may do the trick too. Don’t spend money unless you exhausted google for free resources first or else you will just clutter ur house with shit u don’t need which will make u more sad on wasted money.

If you have the money, the best resource would be a therapist to work through the issues and help you be more comfortable being urself but it’s very expensive and not available for all.

Solving the loneliness problem will be a long journey which involves putting urself out there. Find a club or activity u like and join it. You make friends naturally from just doing the same thing with the same people every week. I wouldn’t recommend dating until you are happier cuz I find dating destroys the self esteem when it doesn’t work out.

Good luck.