
RSwordsman t1_iyf4599 wrote

> If they were to have zero ground speed they would immediately crash.

Just some clarification here you probably mean zero airspeed. If the wind is blowing 70mph and a plane's stall speed is 60, it could very well hover above the ground while the gauge reads 70mph.


RSwordsman t1_iyf2ixa wrote

All good, I first internalized the difference for real after playing Kerbal Space Program. It starts off measuring your velocity relative to the surface, where 0 meters per second means you're not moving with respect to the ground. But get high up enough and it measures your speed by how fast you actually go around the planet, not respective of the spin. It makes a huge difference for space travel. *A geostationary satellite is traveling at some orbital velocity but its surface velocity would be zero.


RSwordsman t1_iyequ89 wrote

It's too simple to say "only traits that help survival persist." We have vestigial parts in our bodies, we occasionally bite our tongues, and succumb to genetic diseases.

All natural selection means is that a certain setup is generally good enough to reproduce. So if you remember that "B" and "T" in the initialism there don't necessarily mean same-sex relationships only, they would be able to pass on their genes just fine.

As for others, maybe they don't. Look at the straight people who keep having gay babies. :P


RSwordsman t1_iybqaww wrote

Congratulations, I'm waiting for you to either revolutionize several art forms with your wisdom or at least make it big as a performer without listening to those snooty egg-heads.

The closest I've gotten to education in art is an associate's degree in game design (which of course includes art assets) and independent study in writing and music. But I'd be far worse in all of those fields with no instruction.

Anyway, hope you find happiness inside or outside of formal programs.


RSwordsman t1_iybp75m wrote

> If they're advertising, they're not picking from a select group of people with talent.

Yes, they are, if they know things. Have you ever taken classes on these subjects in school? They don't teach you what is and isn't art, just offer you tools on how to create it with more depth and refinement.


RSwordsman t1_iybnv2n wrote

/r/im14andthisisdeep . "Anyone who advertises dance, music, painting/drawing lessons is probably scamming you"? There is a wealth of information associated with why and how people enjoy those things. Yeah they can't imbue you with whatever spirit of true art you're talking about, but they can inspire by helping you develop existing techniques. It's only an exceedingly rare prodigy that finds they can make everything they want to make with zero external training.


RSwordsman t1_iu1kdo1 wrote

Evolution selected for men with two. Other than the general fact that humans have "bilateral symmetry" in which a lot of features on one side are mirrored on the other, it helps to have redundant systems. If men mostly only had one and something caused it to fail before they have kids, their genetic line ends. Someone with two might still be able to reproduce if one malfunctioned, or if both are somewhat low-functioning on their own.


RSwordsman t1_ir6plcp wrote

Sorry if it has been commented already but I'm a big enough Billy fan to know the story behind the song "Vienna." He was (oddly enough) sitting at a café in Vienna when he noticed an old woman sweeping outside of a storefront, smiling and seeming as happy as can be. He must have gotten to thinking about the struggles she had in life before getting to this point, and evidently it all worked out alright for her. So the message of the song is that everything will eventually be okay.

It is one of his very best songs so I'm glad you have put so much thought into it. :D