
Raalf t1_j1gsfps wrote

I can tell you personally I have watched over 3500 positions (probably closer to 5-10k but I'm going with confirmed rate drops by me firsthand only) in the last 10 years get outsourced to half or below wages to H1Bs. I'm sure that's just a minor number in your book but it sure as fuck looks large when it's in your city, your companies, and your field. Call it whatever you want but it's real and it's now.


Raalf t1_j1gqot6 wrote

except these H1Bs are taking half the rate (or 1/3 the rate) of domestic roles. The intent of the H-1B provisions is to help employers who cannot otherwise obtain needed business skills and abilities from the U.S. workforce by authorizing the temporary employment of qualified individuals who are not otherwise authorized to work in the United States.

That is the abuse going on, and until the H1B visa makes the salary of the visa-holder equal or above that of domestic market it's just outsourcing and not as intended.


Raalf t1_j19mu87 wrote

So when I lived in Texas the vernacular slang to distinguish between native American and individuals native to the country of India was "indian. Dot not feather" - indicating native Americans were thought to wear feathers on their head and Indians are known to have a red dot on their forehead called a 'bindi' as part of a religious practice. While effective at clarification of race/origin, it was never meant as a compliment.


Raalf t1_iybf4il wrote

at 20%+ interest, it all depends on how much is put towards the debt.

At 90k, 22% interest compounded monthly, this is what it will be at 24 years to pay it off:

Payment Every Month $1,658.86

Total of 288 Payments $477,752.08

Total Interest $387,752.08


Raalf t1_irtyidi wrote

that's putting it mildly. Put a sticker on a painting of the king? 2 years in prison.

Even crazier: a 66-year old woman was jailed for 43 years for violating the law 29 times in sharing and posting content on social media.
