
Raeandray t1_j9zhwq9 wrote

I had a similar experience. Daughter had played dress-up, and then played hide and seek after that. Police searched the house multiple times, the entire apartment complex was searching and video footage was being pulled to see what cars had come in and out of the complex.

They brought in whatever detective was in charge of child kidnappings, who found her on his second search through the house. She'd fallen asleep in the dress-up clothes bin.


Raeandray t1_j6o8exc wrote

Except we know there's a lower range for temperature (zero kelvin). We don't know really know the upper range. Being impossible to reach zero isn't the same as infinity, and I don't know how you'd scale heat increases as you get exponentially hotter.

As an example, the hottest theoretical temperature is Planck temperature, which is 10^32 kelvin. How do you scale that in reverse? Assume 10^32 is 1, so our regular temperatures start at 10^31.9999...? I don't know how you'd apply an inverse scale like this in a realistic way. Its nonsensical.


Raeandray t1_j69a9uq wrote

I think it’s because it feels just a little bit like cultural appropriation.

Pairing tortillas with breakfast foods has been going on in Latin America for a long time. Seems odd to claim “inventing” putting the food in the tortilla.


Raeandray t1_j1mxkcg wrote

So my wife works in the industry which is why I’m somewhat familiar with it. They’ve found lending companies willing to use a more traditional apr approach based on credit, but finding salesman is the hard part. Why would they take less with some new company when they can earn so much more with virtually any dealer?


Raeandray t1_j1lstej wrote

The main issue isn’t labor costs, it’s exorbitant fees charged at multiple levels of the deal.

Typically in a solar deal you’ve got four people earning profit. The salesman, the dealer the salesman works for, the install company, and the lender. The salesman himself often earns $4-5k, and I’ve seen them earn $10k+, charging arguably unethical amounts to increase their own profit. The dealer earns 30% of whatever the salesman makes.

Then the install company, which obviously has significant costs they have to pay for (they’re usually the company paying all the labor for install, buying the equipment, spending time and money on permitting, site survey, paying an architect to review and approve panel arrangement, etc). They’ll add on about 30% for profit themselves.

Then the lender adds fees. Ever heard of .99% apr loans for solar? It happens because of ridiculous lender fees, usually around 40%.

So a system that costs maybe $15k total in all product plus permits plus labor becomes $25k for seller/dealer profit, $35k for installer profit, $50k after lender profit.

The whole industry is ridiculous right now.


Raeandray t1_j17dsxt wrote

At the same time parents can’t just enable their children to go do things that are unsafe. In your example the child would’ve gone to the unsafe places either way. While I’d prefer they have a phone while being unsafe, I also can’t take the attitude of “you’re going to do unsafe things so I just won’t even try.”


Raeandray t1_j0gj8jp wrote

No one disagrees with our current understanding of the laws of the universe the FTL travel appears to be impossible.

But its the height of arrogance to claim it actually is impossible, and it will always be impossible. The nuclear bomb would've been thought impossible 1,000 years ago. You don't know what discoveries could be made in our understanding in the future.


Raeandray t1_ixza8lz wrote

Looking into it further, it looks like the "back wall" is a bit of a preference. Some compound bows have it, others don't. Regardless I've hunted with a compound bow since I was strong enough to pull back the legal weight limit and had no idea this was a thing. Thanks for the info!


Raeandray t1_ixz66x4 wrote

Right, you’re not pulling the string further back, you’re pulling harder, which adds more tension to the release. Otherwise the tension release would never release, since there’s more tension while drawing than while holding the draw.


Raeandray t1_ixz4are wrote

My guess is its more about pulling on the bow as the focus instead of pulling a trigger.

The tension doesn’t make sense. Everyone uses compound bows, so there’s less tension at full draw than while you’re pulling back. It sounds like with these releases you draw, aim, then pull back until it fires at some point.

That honestly sounds much more smooth to me. One of the hardest issues with a standard release is eliminating that slight jerk when you pull the trigger with your finger. Pulling straight back there’s no jerk at all.