
RagicalUnicorn t1_jearjty wrote

Reply to Trash by guillardo

Sadie needs to go in Hells Kitchen, Ramsay would love her.


'Peeling potatoes chef..'


RagicalUnicorn t1_jeaousc wrote

OK, firstly if your clients or boss is demanding to smell check or sniff you before you start plumbing, that's whack. Secondly, stop washing your hair every time you shower, once every two to three days bro or you're gonna strip the natural oils. Thirdly, how do you wash your hair? Just tilt your head back a little while soaping, and when rinsing put your back to the faucet and arch backwards/run your hands backwards through your hair.. don't just stand there getting soap in your eyes, cmon now guy!

This has been a public service announcement.


RagicalUnicorn t1_jeakfyp wrote

You likened dogs and cats to being large rats, did you mean that as a compliment? Rats are incredibly clean, social, affectionate and very very intelligent. They will come by name when called, can be taught trucks, and are just the lovliest little critters that don't deserve any of the bad rap they've been given.

Also good on you for saving a stray, you're a good bean.


RagicalUnicorn t1_jdim1f7 wrote

Tell me this, was the register light end of shift? I'm afraid you've fallen for the oldest trick in the book, the ol 'two hippies and a ghost dog' ruse.


RagicalUnicorn t1_jd3iiqr wrote

Finally a story on here with an uplifting wholesome outcome. Hopefully anyone like your sister reading this will learn the important moral of 'talk shit, get hit, sometimes by a ghost with a sledgehammer' and decide to just get therapy instead.


RagicalUnicorn t1_j9z5ao1 wrote

Heh sounds swell. It can have my daily annoyance and frustration of cleaning the kitchen, or any other domestic duties. It gets a stupid seed and I get to forget having to take the trash out. Hope it enjoys mediocre emotions and memories!


RagicalUnicorn t1_j9ugk2x wrote

Ohhh nooo you've gone and accidentally bought the 'Groundhog Day Screaming Special Edition Alexa', I had a similar experience with a 'Freaky Friday Body Swapper Edition Alexa' that put me in my cats body for 24 hours. Actually it wasn't that bad, though I did ultimately get fired when Mr Fuzzles decided to do some 'personal grooming' in the middle of my bosses presentation at the bi-annual board meeting..