Raichu7 t1_jeemmup wrote
Reply to comment by Jacobgame2 in We are so privileged in the west that we shit and piss in a bowl of residential fresh water by unmentionable123
Why would you pump grey water from house to house? That’s insane. A grey water system would just take water from any sinks, showers and baths in the house and pump it to the toilet tank.
Raichu7 t1_jaek85y wrote
Reply to comment by malepitt in TIL that when you say a word many times over, and it stops sounding like a word, that is called 'semantic satiation.' by Bean_Superiority
That’s a really good way to stall for time while you try to think up an answer to an unexpected question.
Raichu7 t1_jac5ukk wrote
Reply to comment by accidentallyagamer in TIFU by having a haunted vibrator by accidentallyagamer
Then unplug it, it’s either battery powered or mains powered if it vibrates.
Raichu7 t1_j82771b wrote
Reply to comment by is0ph in Neanderthals Hunted and Ate Straight-Tusked Elephants by ffoboomstick
Depending on where they lived, they could have frozen meat or dried meat to preserve it, and you can smoke meat anywhere if you build something to trap the smoke in around the fire. If there’s a party to hunt and kill the elephant the party can all chip in to preserve it.
Raichu7 t1_j6mj7ko wrote
Reply to comment by New-Tip4903 in All of us have direct ancestors who survived 5 global mass extinctions and outlived the dinosaurs by Arinupa
If the ancestors of humans weren’t around on earth at the same time as dinosaurs, then what did humans evolve from when you look that far back? Aliens?
Raichu7 t1_j6lolme wrote
Reply to comment by iammada in TIL When a cow has opposite sex twins, the female twin is usually born intersex and infertile. This happens because the twins blood supplies are linked, which exposes the female to male sex hormones. by awawe
Dairy cattle aren’t raised for meat unless they are a dual purpose breed.
Raichu7 t1_j6li5gt wrote
Reply to comment by Kooky-Cry-4088 in TIL When a cow has opposite sex twins, the female twin is usually born intersex and infertile. This happens because the twins blood supplies are linked, which exposes the female to male sex hormones. by awawe
If you’re raising dairy cattle rather than beef what good is a cow who can’t get pregnant? I doubt all freemartin calves are kept.
Raichu7 t1_j63fpjp wrote
That is emotional abuse and I’m sorry your family are treating you that way, it’s not OK. Can you speak to the school councillor about this? Especially if they’ve helped you before.
Raichu7 t1_j1yoa8a wrote
Reply to comment by Xiaxs in TIL Betty White was nominated in the 1st Emmy category for female performers in 1950, 1 of the first women to have full creative control of her own TV show, while she was still living at home with her parents, the1st woman to host her own talk show and 1st woman to win an Emmy for game show hosting by 54_actual
It was the 50’s and she was a woman, she wouldn’t have been expected to move out until she married.
Raichu7 t1_j1tpat1 wrote
Reply to comment by radkiller22 in TIFU by exploding Grandma’s glass shower door into a million pieces by ThePartyWagon
Could’ve done much worse than that considering how easily elderly people’s skin can tear. Grandma might have been seriously hurt.
Raichu7 t1_j1l6c85 wrote
Reply to comment by LadyOfLindens in TIFU by getting my 66 year old father a book by Choice_Ad9265
It’s poorly written and most of the sex scenes are assault. I don’t understand why it’s so popular.
Raichu7 t1_j12pq69 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL that The Specials singer Terry Hall was abducted by a paedophile ring in France when he was 12 years old by Disastrous-Spirit543
Why would a BBC article use the American spelling? If you’re going to be a cunt about it at least check you’re right first.
Raichu7 t1_iy3vrf6 wrote
Reply to LPT: Take a good picture of your kids before going to a busy place (like an amusement park or a sports arena). If they get lost, a photo will show exactly how they look and what they are wearing. by [deleted]
Use a sharpie to write your mobile number on them if they are too little to remember it. If they get lost and found by staff the staff will know how to contact you to let you know your kid is safe.
Raichu7 t1_iy3n0ic wrote
Reply to comment by The_White_Light in ‘Natural’ baby product company recalls toddler cups due to lead poisoning hazard by The_White_Light
So long as the people manufacturing Xboxes had appropriate PPE to keep them safe from lead fumes, no one is going to be ingesting lead from Xboxes. Baby bottles on the other hand need to be made from food safe products only.
Raichu7 t1_iy3mqw2 wrote
Reply to ‘Natural’ baby product company recalls toddler cups due to lead poisoning hazard by The_White_Light
Lead, the all natural sugar free sweetener!
Raichu7 t1_ixytxuc wrote
Reply to comment by omegatotal in TIFU by trying to call out sick: a fever dream saga. by DreyaNova
That’s great if you start feeling sick the day before, but if you wake up feeling sick how were you supposed to have predicted the future?
Raichu7 t1_ixpw2i9 wrote
Reply to comment by MinuteManufacturer in UK government bans new Chinese security cameras by WexfordHo
Who made the phone or PC you typed that with? Solid chance it was someone in a Chinese factory.
Raichu7 t1_ixpvy57 wrote
Reply to comment by marketrent in Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers used culinary seasoning in food preparation, according to analysis of the oldest charred food remains ever found by marketrent
The assumption that people 70,000 years ago would only eat a single type of food at a meal seems rather crazy to me. Where were they getting enough of it to feed the whole tribe? The idea that they gathered whatever meat and plants they could find and then cooked them all together makes a lot more sense.
Raichu7 t1_ixhumbm wrote
Reply to comment by Extension_Ask_6954 in This gacha machine dispenses 1:24 scale models of propane and propane accessories by sixpigeons
They’d be great for any scale model hobbiest who wants to put propane tanks in their model.
Raichu7 t1_ix3c5ji wrote
Imagine having to explain to a doctor why a grown adult is in to have a chocolate covered cashew removed from their ear.
Raichu7 t1_iwnn2m3 wrote
Reply to comment by TommyTuttle in Woman caught wearing sex toy with boyfriend's ashes inside at airport security by Dr___Krieger
You sure buttplugs aren’t illegal in the UAE? They have a lot of weird and shitty laws.
Raichu7 t1_iwg4c01 wrote
Reply to comment by churninbutter in TIL about Deaf lifeguard Leroy Colombo, who overcame childhood paralysis through swimming and saved a record-breaking 900+ lives during his career. His swimming talent and use of sight rather than sound to identify drowning swimmers allowed him to save people other lifeguards would have missed. by lemontreelemur
If you were a lifeguard why the hell didn’t your training tell you what drowning sounds/looks like? That’s a training issue, not your fault.
Raichu7 t1_iw6kr8c wrote
Reply to comment by brickmaster32000 in Volkswagen built a Star Trek captain’s chair that goes 12mph by Genevieves_bitch
20kph is pretty standard for a mobility scooter, if they were much faster they wouldn’t pavement legal in a lot of places.
Raichu7 t1_iw2r7qn wrote
So it’s a mobility scooter that can’t be used in the rain?
Raichu7 t1_jeemts6 wrote
Reply to Technically, every house is a homeless shelter by memerboi421
A homeless shelter isn’t a home, it’s a place of shelter for those without homes. Most people’s houses are homes.