
Rainbow62993 t1_je9f6q0 wrote

I literally acknowledged that some parts of the world still may use that terminology - though when I did research for Germany specifically, they didn't even start acknowledging ADHD as a diagnosis until 2018 and I couldn't even find anything about ADD no matter how I worded my search. If someone can find a source for me, I'd appreciate it.

I came in hard because it was unrelated and the only time I see people using random diagnosis in their stories is when they don't even suffer from it.


Rainbow62993 t1_je9co3j wrote

Whatever you claim to be diagnosed with still has absolutely no relevance to this story. You made a quick purchase because you're smitten and wanted to impress the new girl you've been chatting with. ADHD isn't a cute little issue of "omg, I can't believe I bought the wrong concert tickets". It's a genuine struggle for those who have it.


Rainbow62993 t1_je9c3ph wrote

Perhaps so, and good to know. However OP had no reason to list a diagnosis in this story, especially when added in randomly during a laughing fit and discussion of getting a refund. Too many people are making self diagnosis these days and it's beyond annoying for those who actually have to deal with it.


Rainbow62993 t1_je9b9dq wrote

Google too hard for you? Here since you couldn't do a simple search for yourself. I'm gonna go off on a limb and say you're just self diagnosing at this point. Anyone with an actual diagnosis would know it's ADHD and they haven't been using the term ADD since the 90's.

I also didn't need to "make a link since I know so much" - I have an actual ADHD diagnosis.
