
Rajvagli t1_j55xz8w wrote

Fair point, I guess I’m not familiar with family/tribal roles enough to know one way or another. To me, poor eyesight is a negative trait, and I would expect back then, it would be harder to find a mate with such a weakness. Therefor, limiting the genetic pool of that individual.


Rajvagli t1_j55tjtx wrote

I’m not so sure about that, I had -4 vision and couldn’t see anything in focus farther than a foot away. Are you saying that I wouldn’t have more difficulty gathering and foraging than someone with better vision?


Rajvagli t1_j55t7py wrote

But those that didn’t have an increase visual acuity would have been worse off than those that did right? Potentially leading to their genetic lines ending.

Asking to learn.


Rajvagli t1_j46oo8q wrote

I am asking because why should I read a book you wrote about how AI will impact society? Who are you and why should your opinion (because you are saying you don’t actually have credentials) matter?

I wasn’t trying to be a jerk, credentials matter.