
RamaSchneider OP t1_jduwhal wrote

Medical workers, drivers, educators, police, and much more ... all saying the same thing: staffing shortages. We need to be thinking about moving ahead and not protecting everything we had. There has been a massive change in our work force, yet we're acting like it's still 2018 in the work place.

What are the possibilities we can explore that will require fewer, not more, "workers"?


RamaSchneider OP t1_jduqvds wrote

Meanwhile right here in Vermont we have the local version that tries to make the talkers sound reasonable, cool and collected - as they (yeah - Phil too) try to distract us all from the reality that these local talkers are just trying to distract us from what is happening to our world, nation, state and towns. This is reflected in Phil Scott as Governor as well as media outlets such as WCAX and WDEV.

The fact is that the VTGOP is just biding time until they can force their vile, violent, racist and bigoted, uber authoritarian world view on all us right here in sweet little Vermont.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jdlidhn wrote

66 myself, and I think New Hampshire is one that has more reps per voters, I'm not sure about other states.

As I said, I think it's about more then just a dollar figure. It's about how we run our common government.

When the Paine Mountain School District (at that time we still called it "Central Vermont Unified Union School District") held it's first organizational meeting, I made sure to push for an increase in what school board members were receiving for a stipend.

I pushed for it so fewer folks would be facing financial barriers to serving their community. I think this issue is important.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jdgph99 wrote

What you really need to do is ask the mods about the Rama-hater club that likes to keep you from seeing and reading what I post. You yourself pointed out the numbers that don't seem to make sense, and that's why they don't make sense.

All you have to do is sort posts and comments by "new", however, and the Rama-haters fail again.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jdgonjo wrote

I get your point, but the flip side of that argument is that the more legislators there are, the more diffuse political decision making power is and the easier it is for locals to access their state reps.

It it's just about money, then I'll agree with your assessment. But I believe it is about more then just money.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jdbxndj wrote

If I'm "chief shit stirrer" in this sub then you don't have:

a) shit;

b) a pot to stir it in; and

c) a spoon to stir with even if you had a pot which you don't!

In other words - you're imagination is running away with what you want to see happening as opposed to what IS happening.

But, as I've done before and as I don't do my public life cloaked in anonymity, let's talk it out in a non-anonymous, civil, personally in public manner.


RamaSchneider OP t1_jdbx9yw wrote

You just defined bigotry, only you don't realize it right now.

"I can't define who I am unless I define who somebody else is by their place of birth." - That's what is reads like to me.

PS. Wanna talk this out? I don't hide behind anonymity in my public sphere. I'll sit down with you in public and civilly discuss this issue of birth placed bigotry. In public with full disclosure of identities.


RamaSchneider t1_jcxosm0 wrote

If it's genuine maple syrup, then there is actually very little information to be gained from the packaging.

Darker syrup will have a stronger flavor and lighter syrup will have a lighter but much cleaner taste. I'm a lighter syrup snob, but the darker is better for cooking in my opinion. Try some of a couple different syrups for yourself.