
RamsesThePigeon t1_itm3fsq wrote

My wife and my sisters-in-law always collect a few extra sheets of toilet paper when they're done with their "business." Said sheets are then employed as disposable gloves, thus blocking any contact with germ-cultivating doorknobs.

They've also mastered this entertaining sort of dance which sees them opening doors, planting their feet, twirling, and launching the used "gloves" toward the nearest garbage can.


RamsesThePigeon OP t1_ispjkzw wrote

41 Redditors in the comments will work out that the joke included 8,586 Redditors in total…

16 Redditors in the comments will actually check that figure…

13 Redditors in the comments will reference /r/TheyDidTheMath…

3 Redditors in the comments will understand the overall metaphor…

… and the lightbulb still won't get screwed in.