
Rashaverik OP t1_jeeff5z wrote

Reply to Loose Tea by Rashaverik

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. Someone let me know that there's two small shops in Frederick that have a variety of teas. I know it's not 'in the area', but we regularly head that way, so I'll be checking them out.

Viola! is one, the other is Shab Row Tea Emporium. Both small businesses.


Rashaverik t1_je38le9 wrote

Why do you care Hiruy? You don't even live in Columbia. Does Jake even live in Columbia?

Jake was at my door about a week ago and we talked. He was going around backing a group and issue which he wasn't even informed on.

There's no big "Rouse Project 2.0" conspiracy. It's people who actually care about their community and are tired of the BoD members in power which ARE ACTUALLY costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars. None of which Jake mentioned in his article.


Rashaverik t1_jc4kagw wrote

I would say to try staying away from any of the dental offices that are tied to Heartland Dental. This happened about 10 years ago. I don't quite understand the relationship, on whether they actually bought up private practices or simply are involved in the administrative end of the business. I know of three different practices in the area that went through big personnel changes when Heartland took over.

A common experience with any of those offices seems to be that you need all kinds of dental work. Some people have mentioned that here. You just need to do your homework and see if they're tied to Heartland.

Personally, I was with one of the those dental offices which went through a change after Heartland was involved. I went in for routine, the dentist which I expected to see wasn't there. They had a 'fill-in' for them and the 'fill-in' tried to get me to agree to an emergency root canal.

Told them I would get back to them and never went back.

Talked with Katkow Dentistry, they recommended I see an endodontist. No issues were found and definitely no need for a root canal.

Dr. Katkow (senior, now retired) did a little fix on one of my fillings which he believed might be the cause for the sensitivity and I've never had another problem since. That was 6 years ago.


Be careful when shopping around for a dentist.

EDIT: changed my initial info about Heartland.


Rashaverik t1_jc4hwxj wrote

Katkow Dentistry is great. They don't take Delta Dental which is one of the larger dental insurances. They will however submit the claim on your behalf.

For everything routine (cleanings & xrays) I've nearly received everything but maybe 10 dollars back from the insurance claims. Again, they're one of those places that will not rip you off and will not perform a dental procedure unless completely necessary.

IMO, it's worth the 10 dollars. Haven't had to have filling work done luckily, so I can't say what a claim will payback in that case.

I can also understand that you might not always have the money to pay a bill up front. So it does mean paying and getting reimbursed by your insurance company.


Rashaverik t1_jb6wg1f wrote

Eakle's Auto Repair. Family Business. Excellent Service. Very reasonably priced, but a bit farther out off of 40 & Bethany Lane.


Rashaverik t1_ja85sy7 wrote

I actually found the sign on Google Maps.

If you follow 29N, right before Exit 20, you can see the sign from the June 2019 images, but as you progress on the off-ramp, you can see in the Sept. 2022 image the sign is on the ground.

I called the MDOT SHA number I mentioned below, was transferred to the division that handles Howard County. The person I spoke with was very pleasant and I mentioned the downed sign. They'll look into getting the issue addressed.

Lets see how long before it's back up. It's hard to say if it's a redundant sign, as a few hundred feet down the ramp there's another sign, but the downed one included the blue informational signs that the other doesn't have.


Rashaverik t1_ja825vy wrote

Many of those areas that are being mowed are handled not by contractors. They've got plenty of work on their hands and perhaps even mentioned it to a supervisor, but who knows if it was ever reported to the State.

My best recommendation, as you're familiar with the downed sign and it's location, is to contact the MDOT SHA 301-513-7300. I've called them in the past regarding other matters and they're generally responsive to issues.


Rashaverik t1_ja7fid1 wrote

Remember, MD-175 is a State road. Even if you mentioned it on Tell HoCo, it's possible HoCo personnel may have missed it due to being State property. I've seen them forward the requests to the State in that case. Maybe try again.

I'm also not sure where 'Exit 20' would be. To the best of my knowledge there's no exit numbers on any of the exits off 175. They're all by intersecting street names.


Rashaverik t1_ja1kxg0 wrote

I'm quoting you here.

"I think our community would be improved with more people talking personally with one another instead of online."

I tried that once with Josh Friedman. At the time I was an employee of the Village of LR. It ended with Nina and Josh sending the same attorneys the IAT and CA Board have used, to talk with me.

I had written a long response to your comment above, but thought it was best left offline. I'd be more than happy to talk with you over a cup of coffee.


Rashaverik t1_ja0icao wrote

I'm in complete agreement. I'm not sure what it's going to take, but I eventually expect there will need to be some form of legal action against the CA Board for their actions. At the first mention of HB1024 you can see just who is against it because they fear loosing power that some of them have held for over a decade or longer. We need big changes in CA elections and specifically the CA Board.


Rashaverik t1_j88qhnn wrote

Yep. I was one of two residents to show to the meeting. Called out their conflicts of interest in the decision making process. Crickets. Nina knew it was a conflict of interest. So Ed motioned for the appointment of Friedman, and the only other LR Board member present (other than Friedman, which was also appointed by the LR Board) seconded the appointment.

Ed Coleman even mentioned to Friedman he could vote for himself.

A little interesting tidbit.

The same outside counsel that CA board has been using is the same counsel the IAT has used. It's also is the same counsel that's been used by the LR Village when when a former employee made claims of serious misconduct by the Village adminitrators and they were concerned with being sued.


Rashaverik t1_j7u8k4b wrote

They announced they were switching back in 2018. I think the transition took a bit longer due to COVID, but it was a company decision. Nothing to do with the County plastic bag ban or supply chain issue.


Rashaverik t1_j6hrfz9 wrote

Good to hear. I hope the 'ca-board.org' domain is handled this way as well.

On the CA website all the Board members have CA-board.org email addresses. A few of the Villages have their CA Rep listed with personal email addresses, not their CA-board.org addresses.

How have some of these people been in office nearly a year (some have served longer terms) and don't conduct business using their CA account. Clearly they've been using personal email to conduct CA business. That'd get you fired from most any job.


Rashaverik t1_j6gwm1s wrote

Interestingly enough. Eric Greenberg went on about not having a CA email, yet the Village of Riverhill has listed him with a CA email addresses, since he was elected.

If CA is handing out address that are simply mail forwarders to the Board Member's personal email account, then that needs to change ASAP.


Rashaverik t1_j53b9oe wrote

There was an issue with a past Covenant Advisor, probably the person who did the inspection for the original Letter you received when you purchased the house.

My own home was issued a Letter of Compliance back around 2010, and there were at least a dozen violations until we renovated much of the exterior. A LoC should have never been issued.

What it comes down to, the Covenant Advisors after the problem person, who handled the issuance of the LoCs were directed to correct past mistakes. Rather than admitting what had happened with the past Covenant Advisor. It was real easy to put the blame on the residents considering very few of them had images to back up their claims.


Rashaverik t1_j52goew wrote

Like I said. 48" is the standard height allowed in all the villages that I'm aware of. A 6' fence rarely exists. If it does, it's possibly long grandfathered in due to other circumstances. If you're buying a home that is CA assessed, DO NOT expect to be able to get a 6' fence.


Rashaverik t1_j52ga9u wrote

I'd say concentrate on finding a place. Then look into that particular village's guidelines. If it's even covered under a village. There are plenty of 'outparcels' which are independent of CA and the villages within Columbia. They don't have the same restrictions.