
RazorRazzleberry t1_iyd5kte wrote

I want to start by giving you a healthy clap for maintaining your monogamous focus. Now with that being said have you evaluated why he may have just stopped.

Here are a few questions to consider:

  • When you tell him are you passive aggressive?

  • How often have you turned down his sexual advances? (Don't rationalize just answer the question in your head.)

  • Am I healthy (fit) and working on moving daily for your own physical well-being?

  • Where does he rank in my order of importance?

-How often per day do I complain about the area in his life he needs to fix?

  • What is the most important reason he wants to come home?

  • Does he work a physically or mentally exhausting job?

  • Are you in counciling for an outlet?

  • Did he romance you heavily when you were dating?

  • Does he work significant hours helping with bills and financial needs of your family?

You've likely read the 5 love languages. But you need to find out why his love tank is empty? You can't get gas from an empty gas tank.

Find out when his heart turned to cold. Because it's cold as ice. I don't know your story but you do. You need to pause your feelings and methodically analyze what happened and make time to feed his tank.

Men don't withdraw from relationships easily if they are invested. Most times we a poured a glass of drama, do-this-now, passive-aggressive, not good enough, change-to-be-more-like-my-imagination, and despair so much our heart dies. We see our selves as machines for fixing and producing for your happiness. We feel like we are only machines. Machines have no heart. and machines are cold in the winter.

This is how men FEEL when women turn off their love and admiration. When we fail constanly in making a women they would die for happy.

You cant expect a broken table to dirty table in shine unless you wax and repair it. Take the first step. Overtime he will follow.

Good luck.