
RealVeterinarian6401 t1_jada18o wrote

No no no no stop being in your own head and thinking like such a dick. seriously wtf. you fucked up. YOU. YOU DID THIS. you can’t undo this- you are STILL being selfish. you will continue to destroy your wife and family if you do this.

please open your eyes before you say anything to your wife. do not be so selfish.


RealVeterinarian6401 t1_jad93mu wrote

after reading a lot of your comments- you need to let her go- and your children go.

your wife is pregnant- her family im guessing is going to provide the support she deserves that she is not getting from you. send money try and stay in contact with your daughter and be supportive and try and maintain whatever relationship you can with your children as they grow.

actions have consequences.

by you taking the child/children your only punishing your wife further for YOUR actions.


RealVeterinarian6401 t1_jad6ura wrote

why did you cheat?

like if you regret this so much- and still dipped your dick in someone(s) else twice why.

you owe it to your wife- and your daughter to BE A BETTER PERSON. not talking about basically taking your daughter from your wife since you make more money. clearly your moral character needs a slap up the head.

why can’t there be shared custody? or alimony and child support?

and even if she took full custody you PAY HER. so she can take care of YOUR child.