
RedPninety t1_j15nl3z wrote

I recently finished Lucius Clay - An American Life by Jean Edward Smith. A good look at a person who was involved in some of the depression era public works, managing procurement of supplies for WW2 and being the military governor of the US zones of Germany post WW2 through the Berlin airlift.

Occasionally I felt like it was a little too biased in Clay's favor, but that's not unusual in biographies. Learned a lot about the WW2 era from a new perspective.


RedPninety t1_ivqsdwl wrote

I finished Walter Stahr's biography of Salmon Chase, Lincoln's treasury secretary.

Chase was a leading lawyer in Ohio for African American rights in the 1840s. He followed this up by being a senator, governor, Treasury secretary and finally serving in the supreme court in his last years. Worth a read if you have an interest in figures from the civil war era