
Redditer51 t1_jdcxrnm wrote

The innocence of children is sacred....and yet they're threatening to bomb their schools and potentially kill them and their classmates. They don't think that would destroy their innocence?!

Also, I was a child. I went to school. I can assure you, most children are not innocent. Most of them are cruel, sadistic little assholes. That's what bullies are. I don't know where this idea of children being innocent came from. (Hell, I'm sure these would be terrorists were once awful children themselves. Cause a lot of bad kids become bad adults).


Redditer51 t1_iteer8n wrote

Yeah, I remember being surprised at just how different they were from each other when I was a teen.

If I had to compare it, it's kinda like the difference between Forrest Gump the movie and Forrest Gump the book. The former is a heartfelt and emotional drama, the latter is a bizarre screwball comedy.


Redditer51 t1_it9nm2o wrote

The movie is more of a sincere fantasy drama/adventure about self-acceptance and the folly of war.

The book is more of a tongue-in-cheek comedy from what I remember.

The film takes itself seriously whereas the book doesn't. And the characters in the book ironically seem more cartoonish than the actual cartoon. Not that the book is bad at all.