
ReferenceAny4836 t1_itvq1uu wrote

It took those morons five months to send me my first bill, so I wonder how long it'd take them to bother turning off the gas service if you never manage to get a hold of them.

I've heard anecdotes of people moving into homes and never getting a bill from the utility for many years. Even when they call up the utility in good faith and try to get billing going, to avoid any appearance of scamming.

My point is, closing is a nightmare of kafkaesque bureaucracies and chances are very low that your gas will be off when you get the keys, so don't worry too much about it. If it is off, congrats, you now have a gas emergency! You'll probably have better luck next week after their systems upgrade or whatever the hell those dumb fucks are doing right now.

Ask the seller if they were able to stop service. Decent chance their new system has some incredibly donkey-brained bug where two workflows block each other (ie. a deadlock).


ReferenceAny4836 t1_it8ml39 wrote

Yeah, but then there's Ben Carson (R-VA?) and Mehmet Oz (R-NJ). Sometimes doctors are good at one thing and one thing only, and when they venture outside of it, everything they touch turns to snake oil. Sherman has a track record outside of medicine, so it doesn't apply. But miss me with voting for a TV doctor peddling the same snake oil as Alex Jones.


ReferenceAny4836 t1_it7mpn5 wrote

It sucks how this guy is kinda the perfect gubernatorial Democratic candidate for NH, and he's getting no support because everyone just assumes Sununu has it in the bag. He took the pledge for no broad based taxes. He's a pro-choice doctor running in 2022, against an incumbent that signed abortion restrictions into law which would force women to go to Massachusetts or Vermont if they have a nonviable fetus in their womb. He's been in the Senate for many years and has actual accomplishments. He has an actual platform. He's downright moderate on guns too. I'm sure both the anti-gun and pro-gun extremists hate him, but the policies he supports have broad bipartisan support in polls. As someone that really doesn't give a shit about the gun issue one way or another, it's kinda refreshing.

The last guy was a joke. I barely even remember his name.

I dunno about anyone else, but I like going to the candidates' websites and seeing their platform in their own words. They're putting their best foot forward there. Of course it's a biased source, but then so is everything in politics. Compare to and tell me you can't learn anything from a candidate's website... Of course, Bolduc is a Senate candidate and Sherman is running against Sununu. Sununu has a good campaign site too. But I notice the lack of a platform. He only outlines legislation he has signed. That tells me something about a candidate. I personally dislike candidates that don't stand for anything. Others might say, well, talk is cheap, and actions are the only thing that matters, and they're not wrong. Just my personal preference to have a concrete set of positions for representatives, that can be diffed over time. It's also telling to me, when a candidate has deep pockets and their website still looks like shit. Websites are very affordable compared to the barrage of TV ads they're unleashing. It shows who they think they're representing when they can't bother paying for a functional, modern website (hint: not my generation).


ReferenceAny4836 t1_isu9xyh wrote

It would be fairly simple in a functioning country to setup a government program that provided price stability for long-term construction projects. Since housing is such a large proportion of inflation metrics, increasing housing supply would also help stabilize prices and eliminate the need for such a program in the long run. Alas we are living in a failed state.

I am constantly amazed by the lack of imagination in America for anything good ever happening again. It is such a subtle and profound aspect of American collapse. The country that put a man on the moon, can't figure out how to build some condos or a damn train. It's astounding. They made more progress on high speed rail 100 years ago with the Lackawanna Cutoff, than California has after 20 years and billions of dollars wasted. Learned helplessness while the banksters pick our pockets and laugh. This country cannot balkanize fast enough if you ask me. The nation of New England wouldn't be so pathetic without the shithole states dragging us down.