
RegaliaKeyboards t1_iy3kb2k wrote

>paying another $40

That is the problem, at least with US vendors it didn't used to be only a $40 mark up. Its been anywhere from $65 to $80 mark ups for GMK sets on a lot of US vendors until just more recently (I have seen a particular vendor that had higher markups than that even).

I totally get there is going to be some mark up for extras, after all extras are just the vendor saying "we want x amount of sets, so that we can sell some more in case people didn't get a chance to join the GB". So they are paying for those extra sets out of their pockets, so of course there needs to be some sort of return on those sets on top of what they would already be making at GB price. Totally reasonable, its just when they are getting marked up $65 to $80 above what they sold at GB for, that is just a little bit too much. Again, not sure what the markups are over on the UK vendors, but glad that they don't seem to have been as bad as some US vendors.


RegaliaKeyboards t1_iy3j7ye wrote

I can understand that reasoning, of some designers going through with sets just because they want them, but I still think if there are really popular sets that were ran before the hobby boomed due to COVID, they really should be reran. I know some have, but I can think of a good example right off the top of my head with GMK Noel. Designer came right out and said they would not do an R2 of the set, even though there are a lot of people that really like the set and would like to have it. I know there is a NicePBT version, but some people in the hobby heavily prefer ABS over PBT, and some also prefer the latin alphas the set originally ran with over the sublegend ones that are on the NicePBT set. And then not sure what the plan is on GMK Mizu, not sure if that designer plans to do another round in GMK (I know other profiles have been ran, which I do like seeing, but it would be nice to have another GMK run since some only like using cherry profile).

I get that running a GB is stressful, but IMO I feel like if you have a popular set that ran successfully already, you have a lot less stress the second time around. PR will be easier since you can just base it all off of the last run, color matching is basically non existent since the set already successfully ran, renders, kitting etc might be updated, but even if the kitting is changed up, there is still a lot less work there too. Just some of my thoughts :)


RegaliaKeyboards t1_iy184ss wrote

>Why not just buy extras?

Extras have only recently started being priced decently at SOME vendors. Extras pricing for a lot of sets earlier to mid this year was always at $185+, and now some vendors they are finally starting to run a little lower. This is one of the reasons some people were staying away from extras and waiting on sales etc on these higher priced sets. And then there are a few vendors where extras prices are just a bit insane IMO

Extras also only recently have been more available due to vendors starting to purchase enough to not have extras sales sell out within a minute or two


RegaliaKeyboards t1_itth43w wrote

Some people pickup hotswap PCBs because they like to change up the builds in their boards. I typically have anywhere from 2 to 5 different plates for each of my boards, and I like to change up the builds in my boards quite often (switches, plates, foam config etc). I don’t want to have to desolder the old build and then solder the new build each time I change stuff up, so I like to get hotswap PCBs for my boards. This does not make them kids toys, just simplified the process of changing builds. Hell, I have hotswap PCBs for some of my most expensive boards.


RegaliaKeyboards t1_irrp2cb wrote

Did you do all these mods at once, or did you see how you thought about the sound after doing each mod? I ask because that is a lot of mods, so is really is hard to assess what is causing the sound to not be to your liking.

Another question, the silicone sheet. Is that for the case? I think you should try removing that if you have not, as I think that will help with the overall sound a bit. I also think that you can remove the tempest mod, as I don't feel this is needed since you have the PE foam on there as well. Using too many mods can make the sound just off because then you have so much going. So removing the silicone and the tempest mod I think is a good place to start.

Ultimately, I think the best way to have done this is to do the case and sound mods slowly one at a time and experiment with different combinations until you found a result you like. There is such a thing as too many mods, as you don't want there to be too much going on inside the case.


RegaliaKeyboards t1_irrnoi4 wrote

Reply to comment by QWERKey-UK in Keychron q1v2 by One_Macaroon1592

Exactly this, couldn't have even said it better myself. The trouble is people hear about all these mods, but don't always know exactly what they are doing for the build and what they change about it. So they think these are all necessary no matter what, when really these mods are just to change up the sound of the board to the users preference, there are really no mods that are 100% necessary for any board. Best course of action is to always build a board without mods, think about how you want the sound to change if you don't like it, and then use the appropriate mod. Or, if you just want to do all the mods to it, slowly do them 1 by 1 and see how they change the sound, you may like one of the intermediate steps more than the final result of all the mods being done.