
ReluctantApple t1_j5owypy wrote

5G availability is so patchy at the moment in the areas I frequent (and likely to be so for some time) that it is effectively an irrelevant factor in reasons to upgrade.

And even if this were not so, for most of my uses 4g is comfortably fast enough. So, saving money all round - no cost of upgrade, no increase in network cost. Excellent!


ReluctantApple t1_j5kik8v wrote

Can't speak for others, of course I use lists, calendars etc. But I look at them when I NEED and CHOOSE to! Similarly with messaging apps. Do I know how many messages/emails etc are waiting? Yes, of course, but all they do is change the counter- no summaries or extracts appear on the screen to interrupt whatever I am doing. I will choose a time when i will deal with/ignore them. NOTHING appears on the lock screen. What I use my phone/tablet for is my business alone.

The most precious resource I have is my attention. So I control how it is used.


ReluctantApple t1_j5kc899 wrote

The secret of notifications is to ruthlessly minimise them!

Take charge of you own time and don't let systems and machines dictate it for you. This does not need a complex or sophisticated system/process surrounding notifications.

@ChowboyDan - your unfounded generalisation about iphone users is just that - unfounded. I suspect users of both iOS and Android are equally diverse. "Productivity" is often achieved by eliminating the superfluous - such as myriad notifications.


ReluctantApple t1_iqvs2w6 wrote

Likely will never happen.

The “inconvenience factor” of any headset/viewing device will prevent the majority of people bothering. Powerful as they are “smart phones” are ubiquitous because they are NOT inconvenient and don’t inhibit, burden or get in you way when not being used.

Just because something is possible doesn’t mean it’s useful or necessarily ubiquitous.