
RemnantEvil t1_jdul1uo wrote

One part of the ending that I didn't like was that it very quickly breezed past a lot from the novel, which I suppose makes sense because it would have been at least half an episode of content. There's a prolonged period of recovery for Crozier during which time he bonds closely with Lady Silence and they become lovers. And by removing that part of the story, the TV show makes it seem like Crozier's making an illogical decision to stay in hiding rather than the more emotional tone of him finding a new home and a place where he belonged.

Part of the story that is also developed more in the novel is that Crozier isn't really that well respected as an Irishman under English rule. He's clearly a very capable leader and has the respect of his men, but that's earned respect. Compare that to the expedition leader, Sir Franklin, who is... a moron. It's a long-running theme of incompetence in confidence, and Sir Franklin does not have the respect of the place they are in yet he is in command. But Crozier finds a place amongst the Inuit, who don't seem to treat him as a lesser man, just a man.


RemnantEvil t1_j5wdhbs wrote

Nobody's saying that, the concern is that the original cast had award-winning chemistry and the show's considered one of the - if not the - greatest sitcoms of all time. So to bring it back, it has to either match or exceed the original, otherwise it's just gonna be a downer. And part of trying to match or exceed the original would be the foundation of that great chemistry. Without it, you've got to bottle lightning a second time for the show to work.


RemnantEvil t1_iughz0z wrote

Bluey has a seven-minute runtime, which forces the writers to be very clever with how they communicate emotion. The noble idea of streaming services having different runtimes per episode was that writers should not be constricted to force every episode into a 42-minute box, allowing for shorter stories without padding or longer epic episodes. The downside is that there's no need to be economical with words, necessarily.

Bluey's a whole other bag. Clearly the writers are geniuses and some of the experimental stuff they've done is top notch.