
RetartedCow4774 OP t1_jeermxa wrote

Yes but the point of this was stating to not be like the first two which both are in the wrong. Mutual respect to both sides is all it takes and if a vegan doesn’t wanna change that their vegan then a non vegan needs to respect that same goes for a non vegan who doesn’t wanna switch to vegan respect their choice and don’t be an asshole about it.


RetartedCow4774 OP t1_jec9k2m wrote

I keep them for eggs i don’t butcher them two of them sadly passed one passed while we were out and sadly was too long gone to eat but one of them passed and we found her about 15 minutes after i would say judging upon she was still warm and not very stiff so we did eat her and the other got buried. I do agree cheese is fucking awesome


RetartedCow4774 OP t1_jec8g4p wrote

But blaming the consumers which most of them are just trying to feed themselves or their family and have no clue about the disgust factory farming is. I agree with encouragement and being respectful to the people your trying to encourage to switch. But being an asshole and calling them a murderers and vice versa for the non vegans gloating about eating meat is just straight up wrong. I completely disagree with factory farming but i also believe in you being able to choose what you eat and not having a different diet being forced upon you.


RetartedCow4774 OP t1_jec5qnj wrote

I’m not saying vegans aren’t aloud to try to encourage people to switch to a vegan diet. As long as their not dicks about it and yelling and telling people they’ll go to hell or their the ones murdering animals. If they want to ENCOURAGE people not try to force them to switch then they should do it in a respectful manner such as explaining the facts and how they feel that killing an animal for consumption is wrong.
