
RevolutionaryChip864 t1_j5izmdx wrote

And how would you describe the people of South American origin racially? They have certain characteristics distinguish them from 'whites'? Is Lionel Messi white or 'hispanic'? Is Del Potro white or hispanic? Rodrigo Santoro looks like an everyday guy from south France or Florense. You just couldn't tell. Would you categorize him as 'hispanic' in a workplace or white? Would you use some kind a color measurement? This racial systematization is extremely racist in my eyes, and also doesn't make any sense logically.


RevolutionaryChip864 t1_j5iy4x3 wrote

Thank you! The fact that in the US 'hispanic' and 'white' are two different racial group is absolutely bizarr. 'Hispanic' literally means 'spanish', which is simply European. You can not distinguish an italian from a spanish or a portuguese just by the look. Half of US political topics are about percentage of different races in different statistics. This is insane.