
RevolutionaryHat8988 t1_jegxepv wrote

I’m so sorry this happened to you.

Dad here of age 57.

I love my kids to death and they know they can raise absolutely anything with me.

They also know I’d listen first before talking.

I’m pleased you’ve got somebody that you can talk to, friends and therapist.

I’d possibly say that the easiest way to tell your mum is by just saying “I’ve got something to tell you but I need you to listen and not just react, as I want to talk this through with you and not jump about with emotion and anger”

Then tell her.

Your mum loves you. She will listen to you.

I wish I could be there with you to help you tell her. Again I’m sorry this person did this to you.


RevolutionaryHat8988 t1_jefyxp0 wrote

Cam girls are not cheating. Period.

They are at worse a release.

I’d suggest you get into therapy. But I’d do it as a couple.

I think you may find, unless there is a medical reason, that the two of you have incompatible libidos.

If this is the case then my guess is you will either have to accept it or consider your situation and possibly look to part ways.
