
Reyxco t1_j1hx98w wrote

Respectfully disagree, that's still a wrong pronunciation. It's more like Wuss-ter with an "o" sound it's not at all Wiss-ter with an "i" sound. Kind of like "Wish" is what you're saying right? But as Wist-er, is not correct.

Though I do hear that mispronunciation often. That's why we're called Wootown, not Wiitown.


Reyxco t1_j1hwmsr wrote

Respectfully disagree, that's still a wrong pronunciation. It's more like Wuss-ter with an "o" sound it's not at all Wiss-ter with an "i" sound. Kind of like "Wish" is what you're saying right? But as Wist-er, is not correct.

Though I do hear that mispronunciation often. That's why we're called Wootown, not Wiitown.